Day 35

As we explore the 5 keystone habits of Jesus to help us grow in our relationship with God, today we focus on the fifth keystone habit: choosing church. • Today’s key thought: Nothing magnifies Jesus as much as when we grow in our relationship with God. Our relationship grows as we grow in both justification and sanctification. Church offers the consistent proclamation of the Good News of Jesus and gives the Holy Spirit the room to move mightily to help us grow in our relationship with God. We can’t make God move, but we can make room for God to move. Challenge for the Day: Just as each church may be different than one another, so too, are each of us. Write out your story, known as your testimony, and how the church, has or hasn’t played a role in your story. JOIN US for the Online BEING Challenge! Facebook & Instagram | @RedLetterChallenge Twitter | RLC_40 • • #RedLetterChallenge #BEINGChallenge