Day 28

As we explore the 5 keystone habits of Jesus to help us grow in our relationship with God, today we focus on the fourth keystone habit: seeking solitude. • Today’s key thought: Solitude is not about being alone, it’s about being alone with God. Being alone is never what God intends for your life. The only time anyone was ever alone was Jesus on the cross, so that we wouldn’t have to be. • Challenge for the Day: Sit in a room quietly, all alone, for at least 15 minutes, but try to stay longer. Remember that as you’re in the room, God is with you. As you think about God, what things come to mind? Keep a timer outside the room and record how long you could sit. • JOIN US for the Online BEING Challenge! Facebook & Instagram | @RedLetterChallenge Twitter | RLC_40 • • #RedLetterChallenge #BEINGChallenge