Day 7

As we explore the 5 keystone habits of Jesus to help us grow in our relationship with God, today we focus on the first keystone habit: committing to community. • Today’s Key Thought: we can do far more together than we could ever do alone. Zach describes a moment in his life where his community came around to do something really extraordinary. All of us have a gift but not one of us has every gift, and we do best, when we work together. • Challenge for the Day: Write out the 5 keystone habits (commit to community, study Scripture, prioritize prayer, seed solitude, and choose church). Identify a person in each of the 5 habits that you feel like excels and reach out to one of them and ask them how this particular habit became a strength of theirs • JOIN US for the Online BEING Challenge! Facebook & Instagram | @RedLetterChallenge Twitter | RLC_40 • • #RedLetterChallenge #BEINGChallenge