Does God Want You to Be Happy? | iPath | The Quest for Life at its Best | Zach Zehnder | Happiness

God does want you to be happy. We are happiest when we are in a continual relationship and partnership with God. After one battle is over, God invites us to jump right back into another. The most fulfillment we can experience on this side of heaven is when we continue to serve God in our own unique ways. #iPath #theQuestForLifeAtItsBest #theQuest #John1010 #John1010Quest #BeHappy #Happiness #Joshua 24:14-15

New Webinar March 31 2025!

Discover the 40-day, Jesus-centered Giving Challenge to ignite generous giving in your church. Join our webinar on Monday, March 31st, Noon-1PM CT to learn practical strategies for inspiring joyful, pressure-free giving.