Day 40

As we explore the 5 keystone habits of Jesus to help us grow in our relationship with God, today we focus on the fifth keystone habit: choosing church. • Today’s key thought: In a world filled with bad news, consistently filling your soul with the good news of Jesus is vital for your future. The good news of Jesus is still the leading news story of our day and will continue on being the greatest news in the history of the world. Challenge for the Day: Share the Good News of Jesus with someone today. If you’re involved in a church, consider inviting someone you know who doesn’t regularly choose church to come and sit with you at your church. You could invite them to next Sunday’s service, your small group, or a community outreach your church is hosting. The only thing that may be keeping them from coming is the lack of an invitation! JOIN US for the Online BEING Challenge! Facebook & Instagram | @RedLetterChallenge Twitter | RLC_40 • • #RedLetterChallenge #BEINGChallenge