Questions & Support


Your order will be processed typically within 24-48 hours. 

Yes, and fill out our international shipping form and our team will reach out to you very shortly with a quote. You can also email us.

We offer Priority Mail (2-3 business days) and Media Mail (6-10 business days). International orders should expect 6-12 business days after processing.


We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express via PayPal. You can pay with your credit card if you don’t have a PayPal account. We also offer the option to pay via check (Please send a check made payable to “Red Letter Living” and mail to 2006 S. 214th Avenue, Elkhorn, NE 68022).

Your card will be charged within 24 hours of your order.


Yes, we will refund you the full price of the unused books that are received back in good condition within 30 days of your church or school-wide launch completion date. You would be responsible for shipping fees back to us and we recommend Media Mail as the cheapest option. Please email us for more information.

If you are not completely satisfied with your book order, as long as we receive your book return in good condition within 30 days of your purchase, we will give a full refundYou would be responsible for shipping fees back to us and we recommend Media Mail as the cheapest option. Please email us for more information. 

We typically only give refunds on books and not swag items (shirts, DVDs, wristbands, etc). Please email us for more information.

Ebook Help

We provide you with links to your Ebook at the time of purchase (on the order confirmation page), and also send them to you via email so you can download your Ebook.

If you were not prompted to choose a specific folder to store your ebook, then your device most likely sent the ebook file to your default “Downloads” folder. If you don’t know where this folder lives on your hard drive or device, follow these steps:

Apple Device

When downloading directly to your iPad or iPhone, make sure you have an EPUB reader installed – we recommend the free iBooks app. From the confirmation page or email, simply download the file and open it in your reader (you may be prompted to “open in”).

Download the file to your computer, then connect the Nook with the USB cable. Nook will then show where hard drives and other USB drives show (under My Computer on Windows or on the desktop on Mac). Double-click on the NOOK drive to open it. You can then drag and drop the downloaded Ebook from your computer to the “my documents” folder or to the root of the NOOK.

For more information about how to use this device, visit the Nook website.

EPUB files have to be converted to use on the Kindle. Please contact us.

EPUB files can also be opened on a computer with several free programs, such as CalibreAdobe Digital EditionsApple BooksEPUB File ReaderStanza DesktopOkular, and Sumatra PDF

Online Challenge Help

An online challenge is our digital e-version of our workbooks. An online challenge will give the opportunity for you to jump into one of our 40-day challenges digitally. It’ll feature a video every day and much of the same content that is covered in our workbooks. In addition, the challenges that we give each day through our workbook, will also be given through the online challenge. While we believe it is best done in 40 consecutive days, the course is designed that you could do it at your own pace. If you’d like to see a sample of the video content, click here. It will be available for purchase soon.

  1. Purchase the Online Being Course.
  2. Your course access will be linked to the email you choose to use at checkout
  3. Once your order is processed, you will receive a Welcome email with instructions for how to access your course shortly after
  4. If you do not receive your Welcome email, please let us know by sending us an email.

Contact Us

New Webinar March 31 2025!

Discover the 40-day, Jesus-centered Giving Challenge to ignite generous giving in your church. Join our webinar on Monday, March 31st, Noon-1PM CT to learn practical strategies for inspiring joyful, pressure-free giving.