The Red Letter Disciple Episode 16

016: Jeff Kloha, Chief Curatorial Officer of The Museum of the Bible

Chief Curatorial Officer of the Museum of the Bible in Washington D.C., Dr. Jeff Kloha, gives us a glimpse into the wonderful world of the museum, his opinions on YouVersion Bible App, and why he is optimistic about people’s Bible reading habits.

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Resources mentioned in the episode:

The Bible Museum

YouVersion Bible App

The Samaritans: A Biblical People Exhibit

Key insights from the episode:

Jeff Kloha

When people hear the word ‘museum,’ most of them think “boring, dusty, old.” When people hear the word ‘Bible,’ what do they think? “Boring, dusty, old”….so what could possibly be more boring than The Museum of the Bible? It’s like “boring squared.” The goal was to create a space to showcase the Bible in an engaging way. – Jeff Kloha

Some positives that we should be focusing on with Bible reading statistics are that people who don’t read the Bible are open to reading it; they just don’t know how to get started.Jeff Kloha 

YouVersion’s findings indicate that more people are engaging during the week: Monday through Saturday than they were pre-COVID. – Jeff Kloha

Let’s be creative in how we are bringing God’s Word to people. – Jeff Kloha

The key to all this, and it’s always been this way, it’s up to us as individual people to come alongside, to find out where people are at, and to help them find their way into the Bible.Jeff Kloha

It has always been the people of God bringing the Word of God to others. – Jeff Kloha

What really was the draw [to the job of chief curatorial officer] was to try to do something different. – Jeff Kloha

Beginner readers of the Bible need to go to the Psalms. – Jeff Kloha

The phrase “kingdom of God” occurs 105 times in the gospels. – Jeff Kloha

A non-negotiable is to love your neighbor. – Jeff Kloha

Dr. Jeff Kloha’s Challenge: Pick up the Bible and read for seven days in a row. 

Dr. Kloha has given his life to help people understand God through the Bible. Did you know that studying Scripture is one of the 5 Keystone habits of Jesus? That’s right. If you want to go deeper into leading yourself (and your church) to building the habits of Jesus, we’d love to introduce you to the 40-Day Being Challenge.

Many Christians today aren’t great at maintaining the habits of Jesus. 

Even the most “mature” Christians struggle with opening up in community, prioritizing prayer, and seeking regular solitude. But that doesn’t have to be your story. 

The Being Challenge guides you through 40 days of practical, simple-to-understand challenges to help you learn, develop, and grow in the five keystone habits of Jesus.

You can learn more about the challenge here!

Some not-so-key insights:

What could possibly be more boring than The Museum of the Bible? It’s like “boring squared.”

Being a chief curatorial officer does not mean Dr. Kloha goes around with a cowboy hat and bullwhip and collects artifacts.

Professor Kloha’s favorite classes to teach were the ones Zach and Chris were NOT in! (Just kidding!)

One of Dr. Jeff Kloha’s goals is to be less snarky than he was when he was a professor. As soon as he sees Zach and Chris, it all kicks back in. 

Dr. Jeff Kloha threatened to give Zach and Chris a Greek quiz after the interview!

Watch the entire season for free: 

We’ll be uploading every episode of season two of The Red Letter Disciple on our YouTube Channel. If you aren’t subscribed already, you can do so here!

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