Davey Blackburn on The Red Letter Disciple Podcast

038: Davey Blackburn on Facing His Wife’s Murderer, How to Take Your Story Back, and How He Turned His Pain into His Purpose

Davey Blackburn was struck down after the tragedy of his wife Amanda’s murder in 2015. But he was not destroyed. Davey even came back to face the murderer himself at the trial seven years later. Everyone carries pain, but Davey is committed to helping every person he meets find redemption. 


Today’s episode is brought to you by Red Letter Living. This week we are launching a FREE-3 part video series called The Disciple Making for Churches Masterclass. 

Hey, I’m Zach Zehnder, and for more than ten years, I’ve challenged and helped more than 1000 churches make greater disciples of Jesus! I’ve taken the best of everything I’ve learned and created a FREE masterclass to help your church make greater disciples. 

In this three-part FREE video series, you’ll learn: 

Video 1: The Problem with Disciple Making in Churches and the Best First Question to Ask

Video 2: The Number One Mistake to Avoid in Making Disciples

Video 3: The Top FAQs to Help Churches Make Disciples


Ultimately, by participating in this FREE video series, you’ll be well on your way to learning how to make greater disciples at your church. So register today and share the link with your pastor and church leader friends about it!



Resources mentioned in the episode: 

Nothing is Wasted Podcast

Nothing is Wasted website.

Davey Blackburn website

ACBC Biblical Counseling

Davey Blackburn Instagram

Key insights from the episode: 

EP_38_Davey Blackburn_-05 QUOTE

Grief is a long journey of untangling rage and bitterness to believe that I can trust God.  – Davey Blackburn

What I’ve had to resolve to do is take that battle back up into the spiritual. – Davey Blackburn

I can’t say that God gave me an explanation as to why, but He gave me restoration. – Davey Blackburn

“God said, “This is not going to turn out the way you want, but I am going to use this.” – Davey Blackburn

One of the advantages was all of Christendom wrapped around me. – Davey Blackburn

My healing journey gave other people permission to talk about their pain. – Davey Blackburn

The only way for me to fight this battle was to proclaim the gospel. – Davey Blackburn

While I couldn’t protect Amanda, I could step into the spiritual realm and protect others. – Davey Blackburn

I have been stewarded an incredible healing journey. – Davey Blackburn

Senseless things are done to us; we have to tap into meaning and purpose. – Davey Blackburn

The two years recovering from my wife’s death were the sweetest years of my life because I was closest to Jesus. – Davey Blackburn

Heaven becomes very real when you go through something horrific and tragic. – Davey Blackburn

I borrowed people’s faith along my healing journey – Davey Blackburn

It’s a beautiful thing, a difficult thing, but a beautiful thing to blend a family. – Davey Blackburn

Tragedy robs us of control, and we get paralyzed. God reminds us that He has given us some agency. – Davey Blackburn

Davey Blackburn’s Challenge: Don’t run away from the pain you are experiencing. Lean into it and invite God into it.

Disciple Making for Churches MasterClass for small group bible study and church leaders.

Remember, this week we are launching a FREE-3 part video series called The Disciple Making for Churches Masterclass. 

Hey, I’m Zach Zehnder, and for more than ten years, I’ve challenged and helped more than 1000 churches make greater disciples of Jesus! I’ve taken the best of everything I’ve learned and created a FREE masterclass to help your church make greater disciples.

In this three-part FREE video series, you’ll learn: 

Video 1: The Problem with Disciple Making in Churches and the Best First Question to Ask

Video 2: The Number One Mistake to Avoid in Making Disciples

Video 3: The Top FAQs to Help Churches Make Disciples


Ultimately, by participating in this FREE video series, you’ll be well on your way to learning how to make greater disciples at your church. So register today and share the link with your pastor and church leader friends about it!


Watch the entire season for free: 

We’ll be uploading every episode of season one of The Red Letter Disciple on our YouTube Channel. If you aren’t subscribed already, you can do so here!

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