Vanessa Lane struggled with anxiety as a kid and into her teen years. After unsuccessfully trying to hide it, Lane found that video games positively impacted her mental health. As a mother and founder of BetterPlay Studios, Inc., Vanessa is committed to improving mental health through gaming.
Today’s episode is brought to you by Red Letter Living. We create resources that challenge all people to be greater followers of Jesus. Part of being a great disciple of Jesus is knowing how you are gifted AND putting that gift to work. So, how are you gifted? Spend 15-20 minutes taking our brand-new FREE spiritual gift test at After taking the test, email us at and let us know what your top spiritual gift is and how you will put that gift into practice this week!
Not all tech is created equal. – Vanessa Lane As Christians, when we make good art, work, and video games, that’s a reflection of God’s love for us. – Vanessa Lane Video games are beautiful. – Vanessa Lane Playing video games can be part of a healthy routine. – Vanessa Lane The gaming industry is a 300 billion dollars industry. – Vanessa Lane 120 million monthly gamers worldwide. – Vanessa Lane More people watched the League of Legends tournament in 2019 than the Superbowl. – Vanessa Lane The video game industry is a major missed opportunity for Christians. – Vanessa Lane Vanessa Lane’s Challenge: Try something different. If you don’t game, try a game. If you do a game, get out of your comfort zone. Are you following Jesus? Many want to be greater followers of Jesus but don’t know how. We extensively studied everything Jesus commanded of us and located five key targets to which Jesus invited His followers. The five targets are Being, Forgiving, Serving, Giving, and Going.
Resources mentioned in the episode:
BetterPlay Studios Bucks Gaming wins 2022 NBA 2K League ChampionshipKey insights from the episode:
In partnership with LifeWay Research, we created a Red Letter Challenge Assessment that will measure you according to these five targets. And the best news of all: it’s free! You will get results back immediately and be presented with the next steps to help you become an even greater follower of Jesus. You can take the FREE Red Letter Challenge Assessment here.