Kenny Jahng on The Red Letter Disciple

072: Kenny Jahng on the Proper Use of AI, Why AI Is Not a Vending Machine, and How AI Can Help with Sermon Writing

Kenny Jahng is an entrepreneur, pastor, and strategic advisor. He’s also the Founder and CEO of Big Click Syndicate, which creates marketing plans that work for Christian ministries and organizations. Kenny is a leading voice regarding artificial intelligence and what that means for the future of our faith.


Today’s episode is brought to you by Red Letter Living. We create resources to challenge all people to be greater followers of Jesus. And today’s resource that we are highlighting is the FREE Red Letter Challenge Assessment

Many want to be greater followers of Jesus but don’t know how. We extensively studied everything Jesus commanded of us and located five key targets to which Jesus invited His followers. The five targets are Being, Forgiving, Serving, Giving, and Going.

In partnership with LifeWay Research, we created a Red Letter Challenge Assessment that will measure you according to these five targets. And the best news of all: it’s free! You will get results back immediately and be presented with the next steps to help you become an even greater follower of Jesus.

You can take the FREE Red Letter Challenge Assessment here.

Resources mentioned in the episode: 

Facebook Group: AI For Church Leaders

Key insights from the episode: 

Kenny Jahng Quote on The Red Letter Disciple

Over the last quarter, 3,000 AI-specific tools have been launched. – Kenny Jahng

AI will eliminate many tasks and roles as has been with every innovation front, but what opportunity will it open up? – Kenny Jahng

AI is not here for your job, but the next guy who understands AI will be. – Kenny Jahng

Everyone has FOLO: fear of looming obsolescence. – Kenny Jahng

AI is not the solution or savior for everything. – Kenny Jahng

There can be divinity in the digital. – Kenny Jahng

Use AI to prioritize serving, life-giving, justice, and privacy. – Kenny Jahng

You have to have a willing suspension of disbelief to appreciate AI and what it does. – Kenny Jahng

Kenny Jahng’s Challenge: Do self-reflection on AI and technology: 1) Did God give us technology as a gift, or is it a curse? 2) Is there divinity in the digital?

Are you following Jesus? 

Many want to be greater followers of Jesus but don’t know how. We extensively studied everything Jesus commanded of us and located five key targets to which Jesus invited His followers. The five targets are Being, Forgiving, Serving, Giving, and Going.

In partnership with LifeWay Research, we created a Red Letter Challenge Assessment that will measure you according to these five targets. And the best news of all: it’s free! You will get results back immediately and be presented with the next steps to help you become an even greater follower of Jesus.

You can take the FREE Red Letter Challenge Assessment here.

Watch the entire season for free: 

We’ll be uploading every episode of season one of The Red Letter Disciple on our YouTube Channel. If you aren’t subscribed already, you can do so here

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