peter Greer

093: Peter Greer on Devoting His Life to Eradicating Poverty, How to Flip from a Scarcity to Abundance Mindset, and Why Hungry Hungry Hippos is the Worst Model for Life

Peter Greer is the president and CEO of HOPE International, a global Christ-centered economic development organization. With experience in microfinance across Africa and Asia, he holds degrees from Messiah University and Harvard. Passionate about serving entrepreneurs, he has co-authored over 10 books on faith, leadership, and poverty alleviation. He lives in Lancaster, PA, with his wife and children. To learn more about the podcast or access the show notes, visit


Today’s episode is brought to you by Red Letter Living, particularly our newest 40-day book and sermon series called Giving Challenge. This Fall, on October 5, 2025, we are launching this new 40-day series worldwide, and we’d love for your church to get in. To find out more information, to join the first wave, to order some books, and stay up-to-date, visit

This 40-day challenge will inspire generosity in your church, and it is well worth your investment. Disciples of Jesus are generous and this book will feature how each one of us can become generous like Jesus. Along with the books come a sermon series, a small group series, kids books, weekly kids Sunday School or kids church curriculum, graphics, and so much more. All of it is available, get in now, at and let this Fall be the season where the generosity of Jesus is unleashed in your church! Have questions? Email us at

Resources mentioned in the episode

Hope International

Ep 28 Red Letter Disciple Podcast Dr. Brain Fickert: When Helping Hurts 

Rooting for Rivals by Peter Greer

Scarcity Brain by Michael Easter

Key insights from the episode: 

We invest in the dreams of people as we proclaim the good news of Jesus. – Peter Greer

Business and finance are incredibly important tools in helping communities break the cycle of poverty. – Peter Greer

Business requires extreme creativity. – Zach Zehnder

Poverty isolates us, so our answer is community. – Peter Greer

We have loaned out 1.8 billion dollars and have a 98% repayment rate. – Peter Greer

You wanna know how to destroy joy? Become obsessed with comparison. – Peter Greer

There’s still a rival, but it is not among Christian sisters and brothers. – Peter Greer

Your success does not come at my expense. – Peter Greer

The way we make decisions is what is best for the collective Christian movement, not our company itself. – Peter Greer

Peter Greer’s Challenge: Read John 17 and go actively find ways of living that out! 

Are you following Jesus? 

Many want to be greater followers of Jesus but don’t know how. We extensively studied everything Jesus commanded of us and located five key targets to which Jesus invited His followers. The five targets are Being, Forgiving, Serving, Giving, and Going.

In partnership with LifeWay Research, we created a Red Letter Challenge Assessment that will measure you according to these five targets. And the best news of all: it’s free! You will get results back immediately and be presented with the next steps to help you become an even greater follower of Jesus.

You can take the FREE Red Letter Challenge Assessment here.

Watch the entire season for free: 

We’ll be uploading every episode of The Red Letter Disciple on our YouTube Channel. If you aren’t subscribed already, you can do so here.Ser

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