
What's Your Launch Date?

We are so pumped that you’re in the Red Letter Living Family! You’ll be taking this discipleship journey to become a greater follower of Jesus along with thousands of individuals and hundreds of churches from around the world. Can you take about 2 minutes to answer a few questions so we can help make your 40-day experience awesome? Tell others you are taking on the challenge by using #ChallengeAccepted on social media when you start. During the challenge, we want to know all that God is up to, so be sure to use your challenge hashtag so we can follow along! #RedLetterChallenge #BeingChallenge #ForgivingChallenge 

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What's your area of ministry?(Required)

(type "none" if you don't have one)
Launch Season(Required)
Please enter a number from 2022 to 2050.
Launch Date
(If known)
How did you hear about us?(Required)

Thank you!!

Congrats! Listen to this special message for you and join Zach live on Thursday

Session: The Disciple Making Playbook: Elevating the Quality and Quantity of Disciples at Your Church

Day: Thursday, March 7th
Time: 8:45-9:45an ET
Location: Kids 2- Room 120

Special offer to attendees and free book recipients.

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