The Red Letter Disciple Episode 13

013: FLAME on His Journey to Becoming a Lutheran Hip-Hop Artist

FLAME is a pioneer in the world of Hip-Hop and Rap music. He shares the journey that took him from a kid growing up in the inner-city who combined his interest in rap along with a terrible tragedy to being a Grammy-nominated performer and artist.

Season 2 of The Red Letter Disciple Podcast could not have been possible without Carey Nieuwhof and The Art of Leadership Academy. On August 22-23, the Art of Leadership Academy is hosting a FREE 2-day, value-packed “Church Disruption Summit.” Change is inevitable. Irrelevance isn’t.That’s why Carey Nieuwhof is hosting the Church Disruption Summit, a free value-packed event where he’ll dissect the “7 Disruptive Church Trends That Will Define the Church of 2032.” Sign up today at

Church Disruption Summit

Resources mentioned in the episode:

Concordia Seminary

The Cross Movement (CM)

Extra Nos Academy

Twitter: @flame314

TikTok: @flameextranos 

Key insights from the episode:

Flame Quote

“Educa-tainment” – Flame’s grandmother is credited with suggesting he rap to remember facts for tests and he fell in love with rap and hip-hop.

While hip-hop did start off with just the party vibe and telling the story of the inner city, it quickly turned to the gang culture, drug culture, and a celebration of criminal activity. The church was caught off-guard by the collection of young people that were excited about rap and combining it with the gospel. – Flame

We are in a season of trying to educate the elder giants of the faith that we, the young people they are passing the baton to; it may look different from the way we are trying to communicate this ancient truth from the scripture, but we do have the heart of God, we have the Holy Spirit leading us. – Flame

Hip-Hop and rap will be the fastest-growing worship song genre. We need to create content that will engage the youth. – Zach Zehnder

God is the creator of music, sound, and blending and pairing; if we can see hip-hop music as a thing that is innocent in and of itself, that has been usurped by the mainstream society or the devil, then we can ask, What if Christians can get a hold of it, yield it to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, then we can couple it with the gospel? – Flame

We’ve seen this musical journey before in terms of traditional gospel music coming from the blues; even some hymns have their origin in some mainstream things that were going on. – Flame

When you see the goodness of God’s creation being expressed out loud and being submitted to the Lordship of Christ, it’s the best of both worlds. – Flame

The way some people have sanctification arranged in the room, you’ll always stub your toe on it. – Flame

In the generic American church, baptism is seen as work; it is seen as something that we do when we are ready to prove to God that we are serious about Jesus, or we are ready to hit reset. But it’s upside down. Baptism is a gift from God to us. – Flame

You’re always going to see your own inconsistencies, your own hypocrisy, your own disintegration, so I feel like what Lutheranism did was bring me out of myself to focus on Christ and his finished work. Now with my sanctification, I can do good in the world as opposed to being so absorbed with ‘Am I good enough?’ ‘Am I pure enough?’ ‘Are my affections aligned with how Jesus would feel about this?’ I had to break out of that mindset. – Flame

People that are tapping out of Christianity because they feel overwhelmed by this unattainable thing, I think they’ll be attracted back to their Lord when they hear Lutheranism expanded. – Flame

We need to be Lutheran out loud in the arts so that people can know afresh that Jesus is for us. – Flame

A big common issue in the world today is mental health and identity, and society answers that question by telling us to look within. – Flame

One of the best habits I have is I try to get back on Sundays so that I can worship with my church body. – Flame

Tragedy does one of two things, it presses you in, or it presses you out. For Flame, it seems like the tragedy in his life pressed him into God. – Zach Zehnder

Flame’s challenge: Hear God’s voice in a world of competing voices. Take some time to read a chapter or a verse from the Bible and listen to what He has to say to you today.

Lead yourself (and your church) to be more like Jesus.

40-day Challenges | 40-Day Discipleship Challenges | Red Letter Living

For so many Christians, the discipleship process isn’t very clear.

They know they need to go to church, pray, not sin, and maybe attend a small group. While these are great things, they don’t outline a clear path leading people to live more like Jesus.

We’d love to introduce you to the 40-Day Red Letter Chal

For so many Christians, the discipleship process isn’t very clear.

They know they need to go to church, pray, not sin, and maybe attend a small group. While these are great things, they don’t outline a clear path leading people to live more like Jesus. 

We’d love to introduce you to the 40-Day Red Letter Challenge.

When you and your church take the challenge, you’ll have a clear 40-day discipleship path that will help you master five key areas of discipleship.

You can learn more about the challenge here!

Watch the entire season for free:

I have found that 100% of the audience of Red Letter Disciple Audience has better lives. – Zach Zehnder

0% of people are leaving the podcast midway in this podcast. – Scott McConnell

57% of statics are made up on the spot. – Scott McConnell

Watch the entire season for free: 

We’ll be uploading every episode of season one of The Red Letter Disciple on our YouTube Channel. If you aren’t subscribed already, you can do so here!

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