Bible Plans

A Bible reading plan is a great way for you to stay disciplined in the area of studying Scripture. Check out these Bible Reading Plans below, find one you like and start today! Our suggestion is to pick one that will last at least 30 days! After picking a plan, please share which plan you are reading with at least one friend that can help keep you accountable.  

YouVersion Bible


Bible Gateway


Bible Study Tools


9 challenge books (3)

Launch a 40-Day Challenge this Fall!

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Congrats! Listen to this special message for you and join Zach live on Thursday

Session: The Disciple Making Playbook: Elevating the Quality and Quantity of Disciples at Your Church

Day: Thursday, March 7th
Time: 8:45-9:45an ET
Location: Kids 2- Room 120

Special offer to attendees and free book recipients.