Discover your unique spiritual gifts with our free spiritual gift test

Spiritual Gifts Test -Discover Your Spiritual Gifts

How to Discover Your Unique Spiritual Gifts

To help you better understand more about your spiritual gifts, below we offer a FREE spiritual gift test as well as brief descriptions of each spiritual gift.


What are spiritual gifts?

A spiritual gift is an “extra ability” given by the Holy Spirit to accomplish a ministry. Every Christian has at least one gift, and it’s possible to have several gifts, although one may be dominant. All the gifts should operate in love for the glory of God and the advancement of the church. The main purpose of a spiritual gift is to be used for the advancement of God’s church in this world. While many of the spiritual gifts could also be considered talents or gifts that could be used in a secular setting as well, we are particularly interested in using these gifts to edify and build up the church. 


Every one of us has a spiritual gift, not one of us has every spiritual gift.

Ephesians 4:12-13 explain that all of us have a role in the church. The Apostle Paul says that those in church leadership are called, “to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.”

If the church is ever going to live up to the fullest expression of Jesus then every single person in the church needs to discover and put to use their spiritual gift(s). 

So, let’s do this!


So, how do I know what my spiritual gifts are? Take the Spiritual Gift Test!

If you’ve not yet taken the Red Letter Spiritual Gift Test please take the quick test. The entire 130-question test only takes about 15 minutes to complete and you will be emailed your results.

Spiritual gift tests as well as honest conversations with others that know you well go hand-in-hand to help you discover your unique spiritual gifts.

The majority of spiritual gifts are from Bible verses like 1 Corinthians 12, Romans 12, and Ephesians 4. Biblical scholars agree that these lists are not exhaustive. 19 of the 26 spiritual gifts we test for can be found in those three lists from the New Testament.

In addition to those, especially due to the nature of frequency of how often these show up in the Bible, we have included craftsmanship, prayer, missionary, and music as four additional spiritual gifts that are often used to edify the body of Christ.

Then, finally, with the wisdom of much godly counsel, I have added three gifts that are regular functions of many churches in the digital and technological world we live in today: Production, Next Generation, and Communication/Marketing.

So, take the test now and then come back and find quick descriptions of your top three spiritual gifts


How do I understand more about my spiritual gifts?

Here are quick descriptions of each spiritual gift as well as companion Bible readings that go along with them. They are listed in alphabetical order. Thanks to Tyndale, ELCA, and C. Peter Wagner for providing many of these descriptions.

  1. Administration

The ability to help steer the church, or a ministry, toward the successful completion of God-given goals, with skills in planning, organization, and supervision.

  1. Apostleship

A person sent to new places with the gospel. You may have heard of missionaries going to different countries to help spread the Word; they could be described as apostles. An apostle can also provide leadership to other churches or ministries and offer advice on spiritual matters.

  1. Communication/Marketing

The unique ability to take a message, project, or event and communicate it effectively to a broad audience using a variety of medium. This person may have gifts in graphic design, editing software, and online tools to be able to maximize the impact.

  1. Craftsmanship

A person who has a trade or craft that they can use for the good of the church. Typically this person enjoys serving with their hands to meet tangible needs and may be described as a “handy” person.

  1. Discernment

The wisdom to recognize truth from untruth by correctly evaluating whether a behavior or teaching is from God or another, ungodly source.

  1. Encouragement

Competence in offering encouragement, comfort, and support to help someone be all that God wants them to be.

  1. Evangelism

The ability to successfully communicate the message of the gospel, especially to nonbelievers. They are able to do it in a winsome fashion that men and women become not just believers but followers of Jesus.

  1. Faith

People with this gift have possess extraordinary confidence in the power and promises of God that they can stand strong in their belief, no matter what may try to shake them. They can also stand up for the church and for their faith in such a way as to defend and move it forward.

  1. Giving

Those who have this gift are particularly willing and able to share what resources they have with pleasure, and without the need to see them returned. 

  1. Healing/Miracles

A capability used by God to restore others, be that physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. They serve as human intermediaries through whom God performs powerful acts that are perceived by others to have altered the ordinary course of nature.

  1. Hospitality

A natural ability to make people—even strangers—feel welcome in one’s own home or church as a means to disciple or serve them.

  1. Interpreting Tongues

The supernatural ability to interpret and make known to the public another language that has not been learned. This interpretation is done for the mutual edification of the church.

  1. Knowledge

This is the gift of someone who actively pursues knowledge of the Bible. This person may also enjoy analyzing biblical data. They have the ability to discover, accumulate, analyze and clarify information and ideas that are pertinent to the growth and well-being of those in the church.

  1. Leadership

This aptitude marks a person who is able to stand before a church or a ministry of the church, to direct the body with care and attention, and to motivate them toward achieving the church’s goals.

  1. Mercy

This is the defining trait of a person with great sensitivity for those who are suffering. It manifests itself in offering compassion, empathy, and encouragement, for both Christians and non-Christians. That compassion often translates into giving practical help to someone in need.

  1. Missionary

A person with this gift has a heart to share the Gospel in another culture. They work well with colleagues of different racial, cultural, religious, and sociopolitical backgrounds. They are typically willing to sacrifice the comforts of their own environment in order to reach those in another community, culture, or even country.

  1. Music

This person is able to express their personal faith, provide inspiration and comfort through their music ability. This could come in the form of a musical instrument, singing, or both. When they are involved in music, it provides encouragement, joy, and inspiration to others.

  1. Next Generation

This person is passionate about reaching the younger generations, students, and/or kids with the Gospel.

  1. Pastoring

The Spirit-given ability to nurture and care for God’s people. Many times, this will include being able to use God’s Word to guide others into Christian maturity. This gift could be but is not limited to the office of pastor.

  1. Prayer/Intercession

The ability to pray for extended periods of time on a regular basis and see frequent and specific answers to prayers to a degree much greater than that which is expected of the average Christian. They possess a gift of empathy towards others and believe in the power of God answering prayers. 

  1. Production

Those who have this gift love utilizing technology to bring forth the Gospel in modern ways. They are not intimidated by cameras, computers, lights or cables, but rather see the potential in using these tools for excellent purposes to help grow the church.

  1. Prophecy

The ability to speak the message of God to others. This sometimes involves foresight or visions of what is to come. This skill should be used only to offer encouragement or warning.

  1. Serving/Helping

Someone with this gift is able to support or assist members of the body of Christ so that they may be free to minister to others. A talent for identifying tasks needed for the body of Christ and using available resources to get the job done. 

  1. Speaking in Tongues

The supernatural ability to speak in another language (one that has not been learned) a message from God.

  1. Teaching/Preaching

The skill to teach from the Bible and communicate it effectively for the understanding and spiritual growth of others.

  1. Wisdom

The gift of being able to sort through facts and data to discover what needs to be done for individuals or the church. A person with this gift is often sought out for counsel and advice.

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2 Responses

  1. Is this electronic Spiritual Gifts assessment available indefinitely such that I could share the link with the congregation and encourage them to take it in our October stewardship emphasis and beyond?

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