Free Resources Registration

Please fill out this form to unlock the free resources for the Red Letter Challenge

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Small Group Videos

Weekly videos for your small groups to spark conversation.

Small Group Discussion Guides

Weekly guides to increase engagement and conversation in your small group sessions.

Sermon Videos

Watch videos of the Being Challenge Sermons.

Sermon Manuscripts

Being Challenge Sermon Manuscripts to help jumpstart your church

Promotional Graphics

Free premade Being Challenge social media graphics and tons of Being Challenge design elements like fonts, logos, and doodles

Kids Resources

Free Kids Curriculum, coloring pages, and discussion questions to help make the challenge come alive during weekly Kids Church Meetings

Personal Assessment

The assessment will measure how you are doing in the five targets of RLC: Being, Forgiving, Serving, Giving, and Going.

Free Being Challenge Samples

FREE 100-page book samples of Being Challenge and Being Challenge Kids

Free Resources Registration

Please fill out this form to unlock the free resources for the Red Letter Challenge!

Thank you!!

Congrats! Listen to this special message for you and join Zach live on Thursday

Session: The Disciple Making Playbook: Elevating the Quality and Quantity of Disciples at Your Church

Day: Thursday, March 7th
Time: 8:45-9:45an ET
Location: Kids 2- Room 120

Special offer to attendees and free book recipients.