Unify Your People in
Just 40 Days!
We’ve launched 40-day challenges in over 1000 churches from around the world and seen God move mightily—are you ready? Join the Lent Launch 2025 for the largest 40-day challenge of all-time.
Grace-Based Doctrine
Church Growth and Unity Catalyst
Proven Results
How it Works
With a proven discipleship strategy and simple goal, everyone will be unified and grow closer to Jesus together.
Families and people from your community will come together, some for the first time, to discuss the Bible and Jesus’s words. Small groups will form to study God's word and put the challenges into practice. The daily challenges are written from a grace-based perspective and come with highly-produced, quality, ready-made small group, sermon, kids, and graphics materials.
Over 1000 churchwide challenges have been launched in churches all across the world.

Choose Your Challenge
Choose the discipleship challenge that best fits for your needs. If this is your first Challenge, we suggest starting with the Red Letter Challenge.

Prepare to Launch March 2, 2025
Read this document to help you prepare to successfully launch your churchwide challenge. Our team is here to help!

Unify Your Church
Engaging, Jesus-centered content will challenge, inspire, and bring unity to your leadership team, your congregation, and your entire community!
Hear what Church Leaders Have to Say About Lent 40-Day Challenges.

Why Launch A 40-Day Challenge in Lent?

Lent is the Time to Self-Examine
Our 40-Day Challenges offer daily, practical, clear, yet challenging next steps for people to not only examine where they are in their faith today, but to push them, by grace, through faith, to become even greater followers of Jesus. Lent is the time to examine where we are in light of Jesus and come out stronger.

Churchwide Unity
You’ll be joining with tens of thousands of other Christians across the nation, and even some internationally. The power of that many Christians living out their faith can truly change your community and our world. Rather than teaching people to “give up” something for Lent, we encourage people to “pick up” the habit of reading and doing the words of Jesus in their lives. Watch momentum, energy, and excitement build in your church as the entire church encourages and supports one another in their pursuit to follow Jesus.

Done-For-You Church Campaign Kits
Your time is best spent shepherding and guiding your members through the journey. Rather than being buried in the logistics of running a 40-Day all-in church sermon series, we’ve done our best to take care of every logistical detail from promotion to completion. Included in our FREE library of resources for each 40-Day Challenge are small group materials, kids weekly curriculum, social media graphics, sermon manuscripts, a daily school curriculum and more.

Church Packs
From 10 books to over 1500 books we have a pre-discounted bundle that will will work for your church size.

The Challenges
You can choose any 40-day challenge to start. However, if this is your first time launching a 40-day challenge with your church or small group, we suggest starting with Red Letter Challenge. Then, move on to Being Challenge, Forgiving Challenge, and Serving Challenge.

Red Letter Challenge & Red Letter Challenge Kids

Being Challenge &
Being Challenge Kids

Forgiving Challenge & Forgiving Challenge Kids

Serving Challenge &
Serving Challenge Kids
The Free Resources
Red Letter Living has dynamic, turnkey resources that make it easy for you to challenge every person in your church to become a greater follower of Jesus Christ.

Resource Library
Don’t reinvent the wheel. Along with our challenges come professional, pre-made graphics, small group Bible study resources, sermon resources, and kid curriculums that help create a complete sermon series.
Proven & Practical Discipleship
As pastors and church leaders, we have experience guiding all church sizes through 40-Day Challenges. We’ve designed our 40-Day Challenges to be practical and simple to implement. After helping hundreds of churches launch challenges, we’re confident our resources will be a fit for your church, no matter the context. From kids to senior adults, it’s the perfect all-in churchwide campaign.

40% growth in small groups in 40 days.

250,000+ people have completed a 40-Day Challenge

100% of pastors highly recommend!
What Church Leaders are Saying

“In an era where people are struggling with discipleship, diving into the words of Jesus is one of the best things you can do. I love how Red Letter Challenge makes it easy to get an entire church diving deeper into the teachings of Christ.”
Carey Nieuwhof
Founding Pastor of Connexus Church, Author and Speaker
“If you feel like you were made for something more or if you are tired of checking religious boxes, the Red Letter Challenge is for you! By challenging people to go back to the good news message of Jesus, I truly believe this will help you find the life you were made for.”
Mike Foster

Our congregation has used RLC resources in congregation-wide efforts three times over the last two years, from RLC itself in Lent and in Fall, as well as kids’ materials. We are convinced that these have allowed us to not only stay vibrant during the last 20 months of craziness, but we’ve seen folks more engaged in serving others as well as in generosity for God’s work. We love “sitting at the feet of Jesus!” And then getting out and living out His love!
Rev. Jonathan M. Dinger
Pastor, Grace Lutheran Church

Free Book for Pastors!
Pastors, our team would be honored to send you a free 40-day challenge book!
Just fill out this quick form and we’ll ship it out to you.
As many of the answers as we have!
Yes. We love letting pastors see our 40-Day Challenge books. Simply fill out this quick form so we know where to send it and we will mail you one.
We’re glad you asked. There’s a ton of them! Pastor and Author, Zach Zehnder, gives you 5 reasons why a 40-day church challenge could be right for your church in this short video. This is the first video of a FREE 10-part video series to help you determine if a 40-day church challenge is right for your church. Find the other videos on our get started page.
Great news! We have a FREE 10-part video series to help you launch a 40-day Church Challenge. We’ve had the privilege to work with hundreds of churches and have many best practices to share. For those churches that order 100 or more copies, you can schedule a FREE 30-minute Zoom with Pastor and Author Zach Zehnder. Additionally, you can ask further questions by contacting us.
These are the 5 best times of the calendar year to launch a 40-Day Church Challenge.
- Beginning of Year: You can promote heavily in December and at Christmas and build some serious momentum in the new year.
- Lent: 40 Days prior to Easter: Many churches will encourage people to give up something for the 40 days of Lent. We love this practice, but also, we’ve seen many churches encourage their people not just to give up something, but to start something new as well. There is nothing better to start than putting the words and habits of Jesus into practice!
- 40 Days after Easter: After the big celebratory Easter Sunday, it’s important you follow it up with great momentum. Usually a church will have an 8-week window open after Easter while families are still in school. A 40-Day Church Challenge can provide some turnkey resources that will keep momentum strong going into the summer months.
- Summer: While most churches decrease in attendance in summer months, a 40-Day Church Challenge is a great opportunity to start the summer with a jump, not a slump!
- Fall: Weekly worship attendance is normally at its strongest in the Fall. Launching a 40-Day Church Challenge in the Fall will provide momentum and energy for your church to sustain this high attended season. We encourage a start time any time after the school session (Ideally the Sunday after Labor Day) is back and encourage churches to wrap up by Thanksgiving.
Yes, please contact us and we will be happy to give you a comparable quote depending on whatever size you need
Zach does offer a limited number of Sundays to speak at churches. Additionally, he is a sought-after conference/event speaker. His topics that he excels in are discipleship, church growth, spiritual keystone habits, forgiveness, and anything related to his works. Fill out the Speaker Request Form with some needed information on our end and our team will get back to you.
All of the free resources are located in our resource library.