40-Day Discipleship Challenges
Everything you need to promote, launch, and complete a powerful 40-day church-wide discipleship challenge
Jump into a 40-day challenge for Lent!
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Discover the 5 Main Targets of Discipleship

Experiencing freedom starts by acknowledging that we have all missed the mark.

It’s what we do after sin that determines whether we experience freedom. God invites us to bring our sin to Him.

Discover how the consequence of every sin of every person, including yours, has been paid for in full by the blood of Jesus.

The forgiveness of Jesus moves us forward by restoring our identity and inviting us to live with purpose.

True freedom comes when we participate with Jesus in bringing His kingdom to this Earth right now. Follow Jesus!
Discover the 5 Keystone Habits of Jesus

Commit to Community
Experiencing freedom starts by acknowledging that we have all missed the mark.

Study Scripture
It’s what we do after sin that determines whether we experience freedom. God invites us to bring our sin to Him.

Prioritize Prayer
Discover how the consequence of every sin of every person, including yours, has been paid for in full by the blood of Jesus.

Seek Solitude
The forgiveness of Jesus moves us forward by restoring our identity and inviting us to live with purpose.

Choose Church
True freedom comes when we participate with Jesus in bringing His kingdom to this Earth right now. Follow Jesus!
Why Read Our 40-Day Church Challenges?

Jesus is the greatest disciple-maker in the world. Putting His words into practice helps people of all ages find the life God designed them to live. By staying focused on Jesus and the simple command to “hear and do” His words, we ensure a unifying experience for the whole church from beginning to end.

Practical Daily Challenges For Everyone
Everyone is personally invited to follow Jesus. Our challenges offer practical, clear, yet challenging next steps to help people of all ages and walks of life to grow their faith. Watch momentum, energy, and excitement build in your church as the entire church encourages and supports one another in their pursuit to follow Jesus

Discipleship Driven
Christians can have good intentions all day long, but intentions without precise aim at exactly the one we are trying to be like, Jesus, will always lead to unintended consequences. God has been gracious to all, and being compelled by that grace, we believe that following Jesus is the single greatest opportunity of our lifetime!

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How is Forgiving Challenge Different?
Far more people struggle with reconciling their own mistakes than forgiving others. While we ought always to excel in being gracious to others, Forgiving Challenge is unique because it leads its readers on a personal journey to truly understand and receive God’s forgiveness. Also, we are invited to then live out of the forgiveness that Jesus has already won for us. A forgiven person is a forgiving person.

Churches have completed a 40-day challenge

People have completed
a 40-day challenge

States, 7 countries, and growing!
How it works

Buy the Book
As an individual or church, commit to reading the devotions and complete the challenges to help you forgive like Jesus. A great book for a sermon series or bible study, it's up to you how you want to use it.

Live in Freedom
After the challenge is complete, you’ll have a greater understanding of God’s grace. You’ll become a conduit of God’s grace to others as you live out of the freedom that Jesus has won for you.

Join Jesus on the Journey
Forgiving Challenge helps you understand what real forgiveness is by diving into how Jesus forgives Peter. Inside the 40 days, you’ll find practical, daily challenges to help walk you through the beautiful gift of God’s grace for you.
How it Works

Select a Church Challenge
RLC has successfully launched challenges with over 500 churches. Choose the discipleship challenge that fits for you. If you haven’t launched one of our challenges yet, we recommend starting with the original Red Letter Challenge.

Follow the Step-by-Step Process
We’ve created all the graphics, videos, and timelines you’ll need to run a successful campaign. All you’ll need to do is follow the instructions and you’ll be up and running.

Energize Your Church
When you don’t have to focus on the details, you’re freed up to walk through the challenge with your church. Sharing this journey will energize both you and your members.
40-Day Discipleship Challenges
Everything you need to promote, launch, and complete a powerful 40-day church-wide discipleship challenge
Download 5 Step PDF (Blog Page)
40-Day Discipleship Challenges
Everything you need to promote, launch, and complete a powerful 40-day church-wide discipleship challenge
40-Day Discipleship Challenges
Everything you need to promote, launch, and complete a powerful 40-day church-wide discipleship challenge
Forgiving Challenge
Discover what real freedom is like as we explore the powerful forgiveness that Jesus offers to each and every person, including you!