The Red Letter Disciple Episode 18

018: Tony Morgan from Unstuck Group, On Good and Bad Trends in the Church Right Now

There is no better time for Tony Morgan and his Unstuck Group ministry than now. He believes that healthy churches are often stuck in a hard season. His advice for balancing discipleship and evangelism is relevant to every church and every disciple; just walk across the street.

As an author, podcaster, blogger, communicator, or content creator, do you ever feel like you put in the same amount of effort as others, but don’t see the same results? Carey Nieuwhof and The Art of Leadership Academy have a free mastermind that will help you amplify your reach and impact online by: 

  • Identifying your dream audience
  • Learning how to get them to notice you and connect with you; and 
  • Figuring out which platforms are worth your time and effort and which aren’t 

To register for free, visit Building online influence doesn’t have to be intimidating or complicated. And it also doesn’t have to be gimmicky or ruin your integrity.

Carey Nieuwhof

Resources mentioned in the episode:

The Unstuck Group 

The Unstuck Group Assessment

Key insights from the episode:

Tony Morgan

In most cases, it’s not that churches are unhealthy; they are healthy churches that are just stuck.  – Tony Morgan

In-person attendance still seems to be a good barometer for engagement in many other areas of a church’s ministry.Tony Morgan

For those that only engage online, are we actually going to be their church in a moment of crisis? – Tony Morgan

Is your online service going to be your front door or just another door? – Zach Zehnder

Traditional church pastors are starting to act like church planters. – Tony Morgan

Healthy churches need both a reach strategy and a healthy spiritual formation strategy.Tony Morgan

A reach strategy should be a part of the life of every person who calls themselves a Christ follower. – Tony Morgan

Because of social media, we have more relationship connections than ever, but we don’t know how to do relationships.Tony Morgan

When there’s an interruption, we lean in. –Tony Morgan

Rather than going across the globe, the biggest challenge I have is going across the street.Tony Morgan

Tony Morgan’s Challenge: Be intentional about engaging with someone who you know but don’t really know. 

Lead yourself (and your church) to be more like Jesus. 

For so many Christians, the discipleship process isn’t very clear.

They know they need to go to church, pray, not sin, and maybe attend a small group. While these are great things, they don’t outline a clear path leading people to live more like Jesus. 

We’d love to introduce you to the 40-Day Red Letter Challenge.

When you and your church take the challenge, you’ll have a clear 40-day discipleship path that will help you master five key areas of discipleship.

You can learn more about the challenge here!

Watch the entire season for free: 

We’ll be uploading every episode of season two of The Red Letter Disciple on our YouTube Channel. If you aren’t subscribed already, you can do so here!

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